
Often social, idealistic Saggitarians can lighten up a room and make one feel loved through their generous, warm nature. However, Sagitarrians wish to provide warmth can lead to them over promising and not being able to deliver on what they intended to do. Also, they often can become impatient when some of their fiery interest wanes.

These crystals can help cool the Sagitarrian’s exuberent fire without putting it out.

  • Black Obsidian - Protects and grounds Sagittarian energies
  • Blue Topaz -  Calm down Sag's bold energies and enhances communication
  • Lapis Lazuli - Connect's Sag to the spiritual realm and increase clear communication

Men's Black Obsidian Apache Tears Crystal Necklace DesignsbyNatureGems
Lapis Lazuli Crystal Necklace - Antique Bronze Wire Wrapped Pendant DesignsbyNatureGems
Blue Topaz - Rose Gold Designs by Nature Gems
Lapis Lazuli Necklace - First Mother's Day Gift DesignsbyNatureGems
AURA OBSIDIAN COLLECTION - Obsidian Violet Designs by Nature Gems
AURA OBSIDIAN COLLECTION - Obsidian Red Designs by Nature Gems
AURA OBSIDIAN COLLECTION - Obsidian Pink Designs by Nature Gems
AURA OBSIDIAN COLLECTION - Obsidian Green Designs by Nature Gems
AURA OBSIDIAN COLLECTION - Obsidian Blue Designs by Nature Gems